Dental Assistant Schools Teach Preventive Dental Care

If you are researching the field of dental health, you can learn dental assisting from some of the best dental assistant schools in the US and Canada. Dental assistants are always in demand to teach preventive dental care, promote general oral health, and to assist dentists in the day-to-day routines of a dental practice.

Dental assistants have an important responsibility as they work side by side with dentists during patient exams and treatments. Professional dentists rely on dental assistants to maintain dental records, to prepare patients for dental treatments, and to keep everyone as comfortable as possible during dental procedures. Dental assistant schools are in the business of teaching both the clinical and administrative expertise expected of dental professionals.

Typically, dental assistant training will cover preparing trays of dental instruments, sterilization procedures, what is expected during oral surgeries and treatments, and how to instruct patients on postoperative oral health. The best dental assistant schools will teach you a variety of patient care duties, such as how to apply topical anesthetics, take dental x-rays, process x-ray film, use computer dental software programs, examine patients, remove sutures, prepare materials for dental impressions, discard hazardous materials, and much more.

A good school for dental assisting should cover human anatomy, dental terminology, preventive care, radiology, anesthesiology, nutrition, diseases, and pathology. Before you can become a certified dental assistant, you will be required to have a fair amount of practical experience in a dental clinic or dental office. In many cases, dental assistant schools will have an on-site dental office to provide students with the necessary hands-on experience.

Oftentimes, the dental assistant is required to do some of the medical office administration duties. At dental assistant school, you will become familiar with the proper procedures for scheduling appointments, keeping patient records, ordering and stocking materials and supplies, and processing insurance claims.

When researching quality schools for dental assisting, one thing to look for is that they are sanctioned by the Commission on Dental Accreditation. Admission to dental assistant schools usually requires a high school diploma (or equivalent); a background in sciences and familiarity with computers are also considered to be a helpful starting point. Some dental assistant courses offer certificates or diplomas that will take about one year. You can obtain an Associate Degree in Dental Assisting in eighteen months to two years.

To find out more, contact for accredited Dental Assistant Schools on our website and learn what it takes to become a certified dental assistant.

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Michael Bustamante is a staff writer for Media Positive Communications, Inc. Find out how you can Learn to Be a Dental Assistant and find Dental Assistant Schools, Colleges, Universities, and Vocational Schools at, your resource for higher education.